How Much is a Liquor License in Florida?

The cost of the license varies depending on the exact type of beverages that are needed to be sold. The Florida County is also a variable in determining the cost. The variety of licenses allow customers to choose the right license that suits their business requirements. The range is between $30 to $1850 when following the "51% food to liquor" rule of thumb . Different types of licenses are available and their details can be verified more in the table below.

Florida's Liquor, Beer, and Wine License Types & Fees

Updated July 2019

If there's anything we haven't answered with our list of costs below, please send us a message. We'll gladly work on gathering the information you need.

There are several types of alcohol licenses and associated fees. The alcoholic beverage you serve at your business and your type of business, restaurant vs. liquor store for example, determines the license you need and what you will pay. Those interested in purchasing a liquor license should also keep in mind that the license you buy has to be clear of all liens and encumbrances.

Retail License Types & Fees

1APS – Beer for sale in sealed containers and for consumption off premises only.

2APS – Beer and Wine for sale in sealed containers and for consumption off premises only.

1COP – Beer for sale by the drink (consumption on premises) or in sealed containers for package sales.

2COP – Beer and Wine for sale by the drink (consumption on premises) or in sealed containers for package sales.

3DPS / 3CPS / 3BPS / 3APS / 3PS – Beer, Wine, and Liquor; package sales only in sealed containers. No sales by the drink or consumption on premises.

8COP / 7COP / 6COP / 5COP / 4COP – Beer, Wine, and Liquor; sale by the drink for consumption on premises and package sales in sealed containers.

11C – Beer, Wine, and Liquor. Issued to bona fide clubs for consumption on premises by the drink for members and members' guests only. No package sales allowed. Unless otherwise noted, must be in continuous active existence and operation for a period of two years in the county where it exists.

Distributor, Vendor, and Manufacturer License Types & Fees

KLD – Distributes spirituous, vinous, and malt beverages to vendors and distributors.

JDBW – Distributes beer and/or wine to vendors and other distributors.

AMW – Engaged in manufacturing or bottling wine.

DD – Distiller of spirituous liquor.

ERB – In business of rectifying and blending spirituous beverages.

IMPR/BSA – Licensed to sell, or cause to be sold, shipped and invoiced, domestic and foreign alcoholic beverages to licensed manufacturers, distributors and no one else in the state.

CMB – Manufacturer engaged in brewing malt beverages.

CMBP – Manufacturer engaged in the business of brewing less than 10,000 kegs of malt beverage annually; for consumption on premises only. Issued in connection with consumption on premises retail license.

Still Have Questions?

Our cost list applies to most business types, but there are also fees for specialty businesses, such as hotels, bowling alleys, and theaters. We strongly believe every business should partner with an expert if they need to acquire an alcoholic beverage license in Florida. Our dedication to help business owners will save you time. Securing a license can add up to hours and days that you can use to take care of other demands for your business instead.

We also understand that many business owners have an independent spirit. If you’re one of them, we’re happy to share where you can start to search for a liquor license on your own. The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation is where you should begin. From personal experience, we know their website doesn’t make it easy to find information, and pricing updates can be hard to track down. Here’s their contact information:

Florida DBPR Website
Customer Contact Center: 1-850-487-1395
2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399

You can also give Liquor License Florida a call!

If there’s anything we haven’t answered with our list of costs, please send us a message. We’ll gladly work on gathering the information you need.

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